I'm delighted that Proud Ugandan posted and looking forward very much to his "Interview with Jesus."
I'm afraid that my "Sunday Sermonettes" cast a somewhat religious tone to this endeavor. It's a bit ironic that, because the idea of the Sunday Semonettes is to shed some light on freethinkers, i.e. not-religious people.
People don't all think the same way--thank goodness. Broad differences are surprisingly hard to generalize about. One problem is simply taking for granted thinking that's common and familiar to one's place and time. Perhaps the best way to gain some perspective about those is by reading the thoughts of some residing in a different place or time.
Through our Internet chats I've already discovered that Proud Ugandan and I share many ideas; or that we have similar reactions to threads of ideas common to us both. I'm sure I'll sometimes be surprised by what Proud Ugandan has to say, but am so eager to listen.
"Fools rush in where angels fear to tread." I felt rather foolish last night while chatting with Proud Uganda and he told me he'd written a draft post. I quickly located it and asked him if I should publish it. He responded, "Yes, but..." Apparently I didn't listen to the "but..." and clicked publish. There are some issues to work out. The format of the blog doesn't view well in whatever environment (browser?) Proud Ugandan sees this page in. We'll work on that together. It's a lot easier for me because I don't have to pay for the connection by the minute.
It will be good for Proud Ugandan to sort out some of these issues himself. A really important purpose of this blog is simply learning the way around Blogger. The goal is for Proud Ugandan and other Ugandans to use the medium of blogs to share ideas.
I didn't post a Sunday Sermonette last Sunday and at the risk of being a space hog, I'll wait until next.
Welcome Proud Ugandan. Happy blogging!
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